Benediktbeuern – Tutzinger Hütte
After looking up to Benediktenwand all evening yesterday, that’s where I headed today. I received a plentiful breakfast at Die Waldschänke in Benediktbeuern and started my hike. The first half was on a forest road through pastures.
After leaving the road and heading along marked paths I came across a very nice spring and the first snow on my trip.
The Benediktenwand glimpsed through the forest a couple of times and reminded me of where I still wanted to go.
To be honest, I was gassed quickly once it got steeper. On the climb to Benediktenwand I thought about turning back several times. In the end sitting on the peak lets you forget about most of the pain. After staying on top of the mountain for a while I started my descend to Tutzinger Hütte, where I’d spend the night.